Thanks. those are some great suggestions. As is the one to just wait and see what appeals later.

Hi all. Here's a link to my current rack.
I would use a link but it won't update properly so this image is most accurate.

What do you think I should fill those slots with? I've got the Es-8 and Es-3 bringing in LFOs, 1V/Oct, etc. but feel like I'm missing clear choices for utilities or sound shaping.

Thanks for any ideas.

Thanks for the advice. I'll skip adding another voice for now. I had also considered adding a Steady State Gate as I loved the LPG sound I got from my erica synths pico system. Maybe get that and the Zadar. I think they'd fit.

Hi all. Just wondering if anyone sees a gaping hole in this rack (in terms of functionality) that needs filling.
I've got the ES-8 and Es-3 going to Ableton, so sequencing duties, drums, and LFO stuff is well covered. I've got a store credit to use and was thinking of either adding a Xaoc Zadar or a Noise Engineering BIA (the new Alia one). Any thoughts on which of those two might better complement the rack? Or is there something else entirely I should be considering. Thanks for any help you can provide.